Exploring The History of Tourism: The Genesis of Modern Tourism and Attraction of The East

Author : Gülsemin Koçer
Number of pages : 327 - 344


Since the early times, some milestones have affected the development of tourism. Prior to invention of the wheel, people had travelled due to various reasons. As seasons changed and animals migrated, people travelled to stay alive. In this sense, the invention of money by Lydians and development of trade based on that was regarded as the beginning of the tourism era. It is known that in Ancient Egypt and Babylonia, roads were secured, inns and gardens were built for travelers to stay and rest. Besides, the Olympic Games revealed the tourism phenomenon in Ancient Greeks and the ones going to the Olympics became the pioneers of tourism by staying in towns. The idea of programmed travel firstly initiated in Richard Lassels' work of "Voyage of Italy" dated 1670 was accepted by aristocrats and crowded artist groups in a short time. On the other hand, aristocratic families sent their children to well-planned educational travels in the 17th and 18th century. These travels were followed by long-distance, organized travels that took days called “Grand Tour". Industrialization and modernization after the 18th century led to novelties such as relaxation and group travel in the 19th century. In England, tourism and travel organizations pioneered by Thomas Cook arose. Thomas Cook created a key factor for the early development of organized tourism. Thus, individual travels from Europe to the East until the mid-19th century turned out to be pre-planned travels. This article intends to focus on the genesis of modern tourism and the East being an attraction center for Europeans' travel plans


Tourism, Grand Tour, Thomas Cook

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