The Observations of the British Missionaries upon the Eastern People and their Methods of Preaching
İngiliz Misyonerlerin Doğulu Kitleye Dair Gözlemleri ve Faaliyet Yöntemleri

Author : Harun Tuncer
Number of pages : 13-24


As the missionaries were sent away from home first they settled in certain places to know the environment and moving from those points went around the surrounding areas they gathered information about the target communities. In this respect the observations of the first British missionaries visiting Turkey around the first quarter of the 19th century were seen on the pages of their reports and their assessments were pivotal in determining the methods of preaching towards the Orientals. In this study I’ve aimed at giving the thoughts and perceptions of the British missionaries about the Oriental people in the first half of the 19th century, describing the methods of mission they opted and at touching what they gained as a result of their activities.


British missionary, Turkey, Ottoman Empire, preaching, Eastern Church

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